On April 3, 2010, my lovely daughter was married to the Man of Her Dreams, Jon David George. All of her wedding plans came together so beautifully and this mother of the bride was awed by her daughter’s ability to create her wedding just as she wanted it to be. She had everything planned right down to the last detail! First of all, I need to tell you that she was the most beautiful bride I had ever seen. This picture captures her personality so beautifully.
The reception decor blew me away when it all came together…the little flower pots were filled with perennial flower seeds to be planted in honor of Jenna’s beloved Grandma Thompson, who underwent her second mastectomy last year due to breast cancer. The entire theme of the wedding was to honor her grandma and all women affected by breast cancer. Note the picture of her wedding cake with breast cancer ribbons adorning it.
Last, but certainly not least, is a picture of Jenna with her grandma….