A bit of crafting, throw in some artwork, guides to furniture rehab, my thoughts on life, and whatever else is occupying my mind these days and you get a glimpse of my Simply Marvelous Life.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Went to the Cemetery Today
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tea Party with My Grand Daughter
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Summer Flowers
So you see my dilemma when I sit down in front of my blog, trying to decide what I should write about. Really......where does one start? One of these days, I'll figure that out and share those delightful stories with you. In the meantime, I'll be safe and share some pictures of my SUMMER flowers......
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Yea....spring has sprung!
The next two pictures show you my biggest source of joy, my two year old granddaughter, Taylor. She loves helping MiMi in my own flower beds and she is helping me dig up dirt in the first picture. The second picture is a favorite of mine so I'm sharing it with you too.
The last pictures are my spring flowers in bloom. When they begin blooming, I know for sure that spring is finally here!
Yep! I love spring.....for so many reasons!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Missing my Little Store - SisterBrendy's Antiques and Novelties
Back to SisterBrendy's.......It didn't take me long to figure out that being the proprietor of a small store also meant that you are the clerk, decorator, buyer, bookkeeper and janitor. There were nights when I worked so late into the night that I would pull an old quilt and pillow off the shelf and sleep on the floor. I never dreamed that I would have the energy to devote that kind of commitment to a business, but when it is something you love doing, it doesn't seem so bad.
Here are a few pictures of SisterBrendy's that I pull out and reminisce over when I need to bring back those great memories.
For those of you who are are still able to maintain a brick and mortal store, I hope the stories that your customers share with you and the many kindnesses shown to you by those customers who keep returning, fill your heart with joy. Are you or have you ever been a store owner? I would love to hear about the kind of stores that are out there. Do you have any advice for new store owners?
If you will be in Southeast Ohio on Friday, March 25, 2011, don't forget that it is Final Friday in Nelsonville and the stores will be bursting with new items, new displays and lots of people to meet. Maybe I will see you there! Don't forget to stop in the Nelsonville Quilt Company and Nelsonville Pottery and be sure to tell Susan and Jenn that SisterBrendy said Hi! Follow this link for more information about Nelsonville's Final Friday Event.
Friday, February 4, 2011

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Monday, June 21, 2010
Jenna’s Wedding

On April 3, 2010, my lovely daughter was married to the Man of Her Dreams, Jon David George. All of her wedding plans came together so beautifully and this mother of the bride was awed by her daughter’s ability to create her wedding just as she wanted it to be. She had everything planned right down to the last detail! First of all, I need to tell you that she was the most beautiful bride I had ever seen. This picture captures her personality so beautifully.
The reception decor blew me away when it all came together…the little flower pots were filled with perennial flower seeds to be planted in honor of Jenna’s beloved Grandma Thompson, who underwent her second mastectomy last year due to breast cancer. The entire theme of the wedding was to honor her grandma and all women affected by breast cancer. Note the picture of her wedding cake with breast cancer ribbons adorning it.
Last, but certainly not least, is a picture of Jenna with her grandma….